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This post is a carry over from our February topic.


I live in a world of duality. My mind is always busy, with the past or the future, or involved in some project in am immersed in. It is evaluating and trying to figure things out. What did that mean, how can I function better and so on. It is sort of the opposite of empty.

When I float my mind finally has a chance to catch up and process all of that mental chatter I have been too busy to deal with. It seems like the volume gets turned up on that stuff. If I spend long enough floating or do it frequently enough, the mental chatter subsides considerably. Then I am more in the Being. I am more present. By using “nothing”, I become more nothing, simpler, clearer.

At Samadhi float centers, we have always tried to expand the sense of nothingness that is the tank, into as much of the center as possible. This includes the aesthetics of the place. It includes the orientation for first timers and it especially includes our interaction, or our staff’s interaction, with the floater.

As an example, when I leave the tank, I am often out of my mind. If someone asks me to judge and evaluate my float, it puts me back into my mind. Perhaps they think it is good for me to be more grounded. But really I would rather have the choice, “Do I want to stay more present or do I want to go back in my mind?”  So, if you happen to be around when I get out of a tank, I would appreciate it if you didn’t ask me, “How was your float?” How is it for you?

Glenn Perry, Owner, Samadhi Tank Co., Grass Valley, CA