Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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Finding the Right Temperature for Your Floaters

Finding the Right Temperature for Your Floaters

What is the Perfect Float Temperature? I am sure we have all heard of the skin receptor neutral temperature that float centers preach. The sacred 93.5 degrees Fahrenheit. It seems to be the temperature that most centers set their tanks’ water to. We even do it at...
How to Properly Wake a Floater

How to Properly Wake a Floater

aka What to Do when You’ve Got a “Sinker” There are multiple ways to let your floaters know that it is time to get out of the tank. According to float lore, the first centers to open back in the 70’s used to wake people up by popping open the hatch and giving the...
Encouraging Creativity After Floating

Encouraging Creativity After Floating

Most float tanks centers have customers. So as to have a place to put these customers  where they will be able to sit, or stand, as they please and not be in the way, most float tank centers also have lobbies. So as to have something – some surface upon which...