Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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The Float Conference has been the birthplace of many amazing things in the industry.

It’s where Justin Feinstein met Colin Stanwell-Smith and together they designed the Float Lab at the Laureate Institute of Brain Research; it’s where Jeremy Warner got the inspiration to start Escape Pod; it’s where Dylan Calm met Amy Grimes and Lance Foss and decided to start a podcast talking about the float industry. It’s also where, every year, dozens of new or aspiring float center owners get their first taste of what it means to open a float center.

Since the beginning, Float Tank Solutions has been hosting our Start a Center Workshop to help would-be floatrepreneurs navigate the ins and outs of the dark, saliferous waters of running a float center. 

It’s a jam-packed event where Graham, Jake, and Ashkahn all present as much information as possible in the two days before the Conference starts. In the 7 years we’ve been running this event, nearly 700 people have come through to learn exactly what it takes to dive into the float world.

If you’re looking for insights on soundproofing, water/saltproofing, how to handle water chemistry with magnesium sulfate, a detailed look at the monthly expenses of an active float center, marketing strategies, and construction mistakes to avoid, then this is the workshop for you.

If one workshop wasn’t enough, we have water treatment certification as well.

We’re going to be hosting our Certified Pool/Spa Operator course right before this as well. For those of you that don’t know, the course is sometimes a requirement from health departments to operate within the United States. While obviously it’s not designed with float tanks in mind, it still has useful information about water chemistry and recreational water use generally. 

The really awesome thing is that if you take this class with us, it’s taught with a focus on float tanks by our very own Jake Marty (yes, THAT Jake Marty! Hold your applause till the end, please). 

float tank bacteriaThis year, we’ve even got Roy Vore teaching it alongside him. For those of you who don’t know, Roy Vore is one of the major figures within the water sanitation world. He practically wrote the book on water chemistry and last year he came out to the Float Conference to talk about just how safe float tanks are in comparison to other recreational water (he’s giving another talk this year, so be prepared!).

If you’re coming to the Float Conference this year in Denver already, you should take the opportunity to get the most out of it that you can. If you haven’t opened a center yet, the Start-a-Center Workshop and the CPO course are some of the most valuable resources you can provide for yourself to make sure that you’ve given your float center the best chance to thrive possible. 

The Float Conference has been the start of many great things for a lot of people in the industry. Make this one the conference that starts your float center, with the best training available.