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“What is a float tank?” and other preliminary float industry information
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2021 Float Conference Live Blog
As we come together again as a community to celebrate the tenth year of the Float Conference, we are overwhelmed with joy from all the hugs, laughs, and excitement about the future. This is a live blog that will be updated as the Conference progresses. We will be...

The 2021 Float Industry Survey is LIVE!
Greetings Float Fam! It’s that time again. We’re gathering responses for the 2021 Float Industry Report through the end of July, and we once again need your help! Please take a brief moment to answer a few questions about your float center (or future float center)...

A New Idea on How to Keep the Industry Afloat!
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How to Safely Reopen your Float Center
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Float On’s Open Sourced Resources for Launching a Buy One Give One Sale
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Checklist for Temporarily Closing Your Float Center
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Can Epsom Salt Kill Coronavirus?
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And the Winner of the 2020 Start-a-Center Giveaway is…
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We Want to Say ‘Tanks’ to Our Giveaway Pals
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